
Thursday, April 26, 2012


I am drawn to cityscapes. With my style I don't have the time or patients to attempt realism. So I stick with loose flowing ideas within my work. My very first cityscape I did which is pictured below "Urbancongestion" got the ball rolling with me. Doing an abstract expressive form with the subject you make up a scene something that does not exist. And then working with actual buildings like the second piece "Improv-Des Moines" you see some of my influences of color. This makes for lot's of fun to explore ideas and work on Composition especially with the free-formed abstracted cityscapes.

                                          Improv-Des Moines

<a href="" style="font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;">des moines paintings</a>

<a href="" style="font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;">cityscape drawings</a>

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